Have you recently stopped and asked yourself this question?  What is it in life that makes me happy?   There have been so many events lately that have brought up a lot of emotions for us.   It might reassure you that it can be difficult to focus on the good moments, and have a blurred sense of self.   Don’t feel like there’s something wrong with you or that you don’t have a clear sense of your identity.  I tell people that for years I felt like I was running on auto-pilot, working the 9-5 corporate job, doing work that other people told me to do, not really understanding what my purpose was in life.  I did some serious self-exploration and prioritized my time on things in life that brought me joy.  It can really make a difference in the way you look at life. 

It might seem uncomfortable, but it’s quite healthy to take some time really figure out what makes you happy, and show gratitude for each item.  A couple items you can do to get started:

  • Experimenting with new hobbies
  • Volunteering
  • Reading books
  • Meditating

One thing I like to do is keep a journal.   I find three things that bring me joy each day and write them down.  You can do this too.  You don’t need for a major event to happen in order to realign with your soul.

Here are a few other ways to show you’re grateful for your life:

  1. Write in a gratitude journal
  2. Tell someone face to face how much they mean to you
  3. Put a stickie note somewhere random that will make someone smile
  4. Pay it forward – pay for the guy’s Starbucks who’s behind you in the drive-thru
  5. Give an anonymous donation of whatever you can afford
  6. Make a friend their favorite meal, or buy them a bottle of wine
  7. Open a door for someone
  8. Leave a huge tip (no matter what the bill is)
  9. Volunteer at an organization that speaks to you
  10. Write a thank you card to someone special in your life

It’s normal to have some moments of confusion or self-doubt. When you consistently feel unfulfilled or struggle to name your needs and desires, consider taking the time for a little self-discovery, and share your gratitude.

Life is meant to be lived!