All about Ashwagandha

All about Ashwagandha

With all the work, family and friend commitments each and every day, its no wonder my nervous system is shot!  If you’re like me, I put a lot of stress on my body, so I’ve been looking for natural supplements that can help ease my tension and help me relax...
The Benefits of Collagen

The Benefits of Collagen

So much buzz around Collagen, and with so many options in the market, you might be asking yourself, “am I supposed to be taking collagen, and which one is good for me?” First of all, let’s start with the basics.  Collagen is the most abundant protein...
Dirty 12 Clean 15 Lists

Dirty 12 Clean 15 Lists

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) published their shopper’s guide to cleaner eating.  The Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen Lists are really helpful to have the next time you hit the grocery store.  They can assist when navigating the produce section and...
5 Foods To Reduce Stress & Anxiety

5 Foods To Reduce Stress & Anxiety

The holidays are the most wonderful time of the year, yet, Americans are reporting more “extreme stress” during the holidays than any other time of the year, yikes!  For many of us, this stress can lead to overeating, poor food choices, and lack of sleep,...
Dirty 12 & Clean 15

Dirty 12 & Clean 15

We’re told to buy organic foods as they are good for us, and are usually good for the environment. But they’re often hard on your wallet: The USDA found the costs of organic fruits and vegetables typically run more than 20% higher than conventional...
Eliminate Toxins From Your Body

Eliminate Toxins From Your Body

I recently did a 5-day juice detox.  It’s been something I’ve wanted to try for years.  The past year, I felt like I was making some unhealthy choices with my food, and needed a cleanout of heavy toxins that build up from the environment, so I was ready to...