In case you missed it, there’s been a lot of buzz around us Health Coaches.  Jane Brody, personal health columnist for the New York Times, recently said: we could all use a Health Coach!

A few decades ago, the term Health Coach was unheard of.  Even I had never heard of it until about eight years ago, right before I decided to become one.  So why are we hearing more about it?  Public health around the world is declining due to:

  • Increased prevalence of preventable lifestyle diseases
  • Increased sedentary behavior and lifestyles
  • Increased cost of healthcare

Now is the time to take back our health, and Brody outlined why someone would want or need to work with a Health Coach:

  • You’re suffering from a chronic condition. (Nearly 150 million Americans currently suffer from at least one chronic condition.)
  • You want to better understand how to manage your chronic condition through diet and lifestyle.
  • You need support carrying out your doctor’s recommendations.
  • You want to optimize your health and focus on prevention.

Health coaches give patients the tools they need to improve their medical outcomes through self-directed care and well-being that extends beyond a 20-minute visit to their doctor’s office.  The health coaching practice is in the process of being recognized by major healthcare providers and for insurance reimbursement into the future.  This means that medical and wellness professionals (RNs, RDs, physical therapists, etc.) are in many cases in the early stages of embarking on this practice-expanding journey.

In the meantime, a primary goal for a Health Coach is to empower clients to take a leading role in providing knowledge, accountability, and motivation to inspire change.  We also support you in exploring aspects of your life that could be impacting your health, such as identifying stressors and how to manage them better and figuring out how to overcome resistance to exercise. After working with a coach for several months, you might find yourself with more energy, less stress, and even healthier relationships with your loved ones.

If you are ready to take the journey with me as your Health Coach, set up a free consultation with me today!  If you are considering becoming a Health Coach, you can check out IIN and join an amazing community of passionate coaches to improve health and happiness around the world.